Research projects

SAM Coating GmbH has been involved in research projects with renowned partners such as the University of Bayreuth, TU Dortmund University and RWTH Aachen University for many years. This ensures constant technological development and SAM Coating GmbH is significantly involved in the development of innovative processes. The research projects are funded on the one hand by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy with the ZIM initiative (Central Innovation Program for SMEs) and on the other hand by the "Digitalbonus Plus" funding program of the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy.

Overview of the research projects

Development of an end mill made from a composite material based on rock flour

Development of an end mill made from a composite material based on rock flour

The main components of the hard metals used in conventional tool production are the raw materials tungsten and cobalt. Both are classified as critical raw materials due to their limited deposits, which are concentrated in just a few countries. The LithoMill research project therefore aims to develop a coated end mill made of a composite material based on highly available and environmentally friendly tungsten and cobalt.
Innovative coated high-performance circular saw blades with replaceable interface for cutting softwood

Innovative coated high-performance circular saw blades with replaceable interface for cutting softwood

The DuroCut project is developing an innovative high-performance circular saw blade for cutting softwood. The project is based on the development of an innovative tooth shape, the development of a customized coating for the saw teeth and the development of an interface between the saw teeth and the saw blade base body for efficient replacement of the saw teeth. The cutt...